Any payment made with EasyWallet is saved in the system. All payments, transfers, and purchases are saved in the History section of EasyWallet. The History section is separated by transaction inputs and outputs. The section shows the date of the transaction and other necessary data. Each transaction forms a coupon, which can be sent to any user via e-mail, social networking sites, and messengers.
The History section allows you to repeat the payment. It is necessary to.
- Choose one of the already made transactions,
- Click the "Repeat Payment" button
- Specify the amount you want to pay
- Choose the means of payment and make the payment.
This makes the payment process easier without entering or completing additional information. The "My Expenses" section can be found in the History section. My Expenses section allows you to see the transactions made on EasyWallet on a monthly or yearly basis and their percentage to each other in graphical representation. The process of making a payment with EasyWallet is really easy and convenient.
Download EasyWallet application from Google Play and App Store.