Do You have any question about EasyWallet and EasyPay? Find the brief answers to frequently asked questions here.

What is EasyGarage?

EasyGarage is an all-in-one solution, allowing you to monitor your road fines, make payments and check your penalty points with just one click. Wondering how to enter? 1-Open the application 2- Find “EasyGarage” icon in the main screen of the application 3-Click on the “Vehicles” field 4-Click on the “Plus (+)” button 5-Fill in your vehicle’s License plate, Tech. passport number, SSN and Vehicle name 6-Click on the “Confirm” button Now that you have entered your vehicle information, one more step to go. 1-Go to the “Penalty Points” field 2-Click on the “Plus (+)” button and enter your driving license number 3- Access everything related to your vehicle fees. Drive safe! The road is easier with EasyGarage.

Can I track the road police fines via easywallet?

If you’ve already entered your vehicle's data, then the short answer here is YES! You just need to: 1-Open the application 2- Find “EasyGarage” icon in the main screen of the application 3-Select “Vehicle” field 4-Click on the Vehicle you entered 5- Select “RP Fines” and track everything you need Besides the road police fines, you can also monitor parking penalties, property taxes, CMTPL insurance and parking payments.

How to check my penalty points?

1-Open the application 2- Find “EasyGarage” icon in the main screen of the application 3-Select “Penalty Points” field 4- Monitor your Penalty Points and keep an eye on them”

How to register in easywallet?

We are glad you are finally here. To complete your registration, all you need to do is: 1-Open your easywallet application 3- Click register 4-Enter your phone number and create a password. Wait for the confirmation code. 5- Fill in the confirmation code and click “Confirm”. Keep the confirmation code private and DO NOT provide it to a third party under any circumstance 6-Select the language 7-Read and accept the Terms and Conditions, by scrolling down to the “I agree” button. 8-Go to the “Create a wallet” section and enter your name/surname and email address and click on “Confirm” button 9-Create a pin code or use face identification or fingerprint. 10- Attach your bank card or passport/ID to become an identified user. If you still have questions, please visit the link. There you go! We are glad you decided to join us and we hope this is going to be an easy and incredible journey for both of us.

How to become an identified user?

Becoming an identified user is one step ahead of making the best use of our application. In fact, you need to: 1- Attach a bank card and a passport/ID card to your easywallet application or 2- Approach to one of the EasyPay branches To find the identification field in your easywallet application you need to: 1- Open the application 2- Go to the “Profile” section 3- Find “Personal data” field 4- Click on the “Identification” button 5-Select “ID Card” or “Passport” section 6- Click on the “Take a photo” button and scan your passport or ID card 7- Follow the instructions regarding your face identification. It is important to follow and implement the instructions clearly and as fast as you can. 8- After completing the instructions, click on the “Go to the Main page” Now you can proudly return to your main page, as an identified user! Feels good, right? If you still have questions, please visit the link:

How to attach a card to your EasyWallet?

For making payments with EasyWallet, besides of wallet refill, which you can do through EasyPay terminals, you may also attach a bank card (s) to your EasyWallet. For attaching a card to EasyWallet, you need to follow these simple steps. You can see all this more clearly in the video

How to create favorite payments?

Favorite payments are our favorite part too. So much easier and so convenient! To create your favorite payments and groups, you just need to: 1- Open the easywallet application 2-Find the “Favorite payments” field and click the “Add new payment” option 3-Select your preferred payment from the list of services 4- Create groups and add them to your favorites If you still have questions, click on the link.

How to create a schedule?

We all make mistakes and we all forget things. But sometimes, forgetting your monthly payments can actually create chaos. To avoid it, you will probably need to create a schedule. 1-Open the “Favorite Payments” section 2-Click and select one of the previous payments 3- Find and click on the “Schedule” button 4-Choose the payment method you want, payment frequency and period. Voila! The system will already remind you of the important payments for your chosen period.

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