A minimalist lifestyle: how to get rid of unnecessary stuff and make life easier

A minimalist lifestyle: how to get rid of unnecessary stuff and make life easier

  • 24 Aug, 2023
  • EasyPay

The word minimalism has been quite a trend in recent years. Still, only a few have tried to understand what it actually means.

There’s so much stuff diverting our attention that we often don’t find joy in the little things. We are overwhelmed with physical and digital clutter, which leads to anxiety and dissatisfaction.

A minimalist lifestyle begins the moment you decide what is an essential part of your life and what serves you. The rest you give away, put aside, or toss, depending on the condition. When you remove unimportant stuff from your sight, you save time and are more focused on what is valuable.

Are you ready to make the first small step toward minimalism? Today, we’ll figure out what this change will bring to your life. On top of that, we’ll discuss the steps to getting rid of unnecessary stuff.

What minimalist lifestyle will give you

We often associate having more with a favorable status and comfort. However, the more we strive to have, the more we risk losing it all.

When you decide to become a minimalist,

  • You will not feel overwhelmed with trivial tasks and busyness.

The conscious decision to live with less extends not only to our possessions but also to our lifestyle.

  • You will have more time.

Getting rid of clutter means doing away with cleaning and organizing it all. As a result, you will have extra time and do what you prioritize.

  • You will save money.

Realizing that less is more, you can shop according to your priorities. After asking yourself, “What do I want?” and “What do I need?”, you can buy and use things according to your answers.

  • You will not feel attached to things.

Your mood will not depend on your belongings. So,

  • You will be more emotionally stable.

Mood swings will have little to do with material possessions. And finally,

  • You will live an eco-friendly life.

Instead of consuming more and making unnecessary purchases, you will be ready to break your shopping habit and prefer to use high-quality products for long.

When you decide to live your life as a minimalist, you must be patient. After all, the things you have owned for years are also memories, and “parting ways” with them is not easy. Yet, you can keep cool: memories will stay with you, and you don’t want to stick to things that give you no good and drain your energy. Start small and embrace the fact that adopting a minimalist lifestyle is a radical change. It’s okay if there is no noticeable result right away.

9 tips to get rid of the unnecessary

  1. Choose one area and start organizing it. You can begin from your bookshelf, desk, or wherever you find just right. You will ease your workload and make it more organized this way.

  2. Use the 80/20 rule. According to the Pareto principle, 80% of results come from 20% of our efforts. Make up your mind about where you need to put much effort to get the best results possible and get going!

  3. Divide things into three groups: what you’ll keep, what you’ll donate, and what you’ll throw away. Hold one thing in your hand at a time and think about whether it’s useful or not. You might want to keep the useful ones and donate those which you no longer need but which might be helpful for others. Eventually, you can throw away the unnecessary stuff with a clear mind.

  4. Categorize things. By storing similar items together, it will be easier to find the item you need at the given moment. For instance, you’d better keep all the tools in a single box rather than put the hammer in another place.

  5. When buying something new, discard something old. It’s believed that we must free up space for the new.

  6. Declutter your closet. Try on each of your clothes and think about whether you feel comfortable and confident when wearing them. You can also switch to a capsule wardrobe. It generally consists of 30-50 pieces, and you can get hundreds of outfit combinations from them.

  7. Get rid of what you think you might need one day. Sometimes it’s too difficult to throw something out. We tend to think that we might need them sometime in the future. However, it’s worth asking ourselves. “If I need this someday and don’t have it, what can I do?” In this manner, we make our brains find solutions, and it’s easier for us to do away with the seemingly necessary item.

  8. Give yourself time. Don’t rush into doing and completing everything at once. Distribute your tasks and give time to completing each so you are not overwhelmed and have the most satisfactory result possible.

  9. Think and live as a minimalist. A minimalist lifestyle results from how we think and has nothing to do with external circumstances. When you don’t periodically apply a minimalist approach to your life—be it from the material or non-material perspective—you bring clutter and overload back to your life. To avoid this, you can define how often you will organize and put aside the useless and also write down your results.

Minimalism isn’t only about things. It’s about making life easy and being in harmony with yourself. To ease your financial life, you can make all your payments through easywallet and save precious time. You can also store all your cards in easywallet and free your phone from different apps.

Living as a minimalist means getting rid of what you don’t need, what hinders you from focusing, and whatever makes you feel uneasy. By starting from your room, gathering and putting aside whatever you just don’t need, you also put aside the thoughts preventing you from being attentive. So, embrace only those habits, meetings, people, and things that you really find useful and dear.